The Latest in Breakthrough Alzheimer’s Treatments

As Alzheimer's continues its debilitating march on the lives of nearly 7 million Americans, the race to find a cure is more important than ever. While the quest for a cure is ongoing, current treatments focus on alleviating symptoms and improving the quality of life for those affected by this progressive disease.

The most common treatment options available today aim to slow the progression of cognitive decline and include various forms of therapy designed to support daily functioning. This includes recently FDA-approved medication that shows excellent results in improving memory and communication in Alzheimer patients. 

Read on to learn more about the latest treatment options and where to find the best Alzheimer’s doctor in Los Angeles. 

What is Alzheimer’s Disease? 

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a progressive neurological disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die. It is the most common cause of dementia, which is a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral, and social skills that affects a person's ability to function independently. 

Key facts about Alzheimer's Disease:

  1. It is a degenerative brain disease and is the most common form of dementia.
  2. Symptoms include memory problems, including memory loss, difficulty with language, problem-solving, and other cognitive skills that affect daily life.
  3. Although what causes Alzheimer's is still not fully understood, Alzheimer's is characterized by changes in the brain, including amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.
  4. Risk factors include age, family history, and certain genetic factors.
  5. It is a progressive disease where symptoms gradually worsen over several years.
  6. Alzheimer’s typically affects those over the age of 65. If symptoms begin before the age of 65, it is considered early onset Alzheimer’s. 
  7. Preventing Alzheimer’s includes things like managing your blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight, and quitting smoking.
  8. There is no cure for Alzheimer's, but treatments are available to temporarily slow the worsening of symptoms and improve quality of life.

Alzheimer's is a complex disease, and researchers are still trying to fully understand its causes and develop effective treatments and preventive strategies.

What Are the Signs of Alzheimer’s Symptoms?

In its early stages, Alzheimer’s presents with mild memory loss that is often similar to normal forgetfulness associated with aging. In its later stages, however, people with Alzheimer's lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment. 

Alzheimer's disease and dementia symptoms can vary from person to person. The most common signs and symptoms include:

  • Difficulty remembering recently learned information, important dates, events, or repeatedly asking the same questions
  • Struggling to complete daily tasks, such as driving to a familiar location or remembering the rules of a favorite game
  • Trouble following or joining a conversation, stopping in the middle of a discussion, or struggling with vocabulary and naming objects
  • Getting lost easily, forgetting where they are, or how they got there
  • Making uncharacteristic decisions, such as giving large amounts of money to telemarketers or paying less attention to personal grooming
  • Putting items in unusual places and struggling to retrace steps to find them
  • Experiencing confusion, suspicion, depression, fear, or anxiety, as well as showing irritability or aggressiveness
  • Losing interest in hobbies, social activities, or work projects due to the changes they have experienced
  • Vision problems, difficulty reading, judging distance, and determining color or contrast

Getting an early diagnosis is important because it can allow for better care planning and treatment options.

How Is Alzheimer’s Treated in Los Angeles?

While there is currently no cure for Alzheimer's disease, there are FDA-approved Alzheimer's treatments and dementia care that show effectiveness in slowing the progression of the disease and helping improve quality of life. 

The most common Alzheimer’s treatment involves using cholinesterase inhibitors — a medication that can increase communication between nerve cells and improve symptoms relating to memory and communication.

In addition to cholinesterase inhibitors, patients may benefit from memantine, a medication that further enhances brain cell communication. Nerve cells that are already damaged by Alzheimer's disease make too much glutamate, a chemical responsible for sending messages between nerve cells. Producing too much glutamate can cause more damage to nerve cells. Memantine can be combined with a cholinesterase inhibitor to block excess amounts of glutamate. 

What Are the Latest Alzheimer’s Treatment Options in LA?

A recent FDA approval introduced aducanumab, also known as Aduhelm, as a new treatment for early Alzheimer’s. 

Aducanumab lessens the amount of beta-amyloid that the brain produces. Beta-amyloid is a chemical that accumulates into plaque in the brain, leading to cell death and tissue loss. This cell death and tissue loss lead to a decline in memory, thinking, learning, and behaviors. Although the brain still produces beta-amyloid during aducanumab treatment, it is significantly less than without the treatment. Aducanumab is proving to be very effective in slowing the progression of Alzheimer's.

Find the Most Advanced Alzheimer’s Treatments in LA

Despite the challenges Alzheimer's presents, the commitment to ongoing research offers hope for future advancements in treatment, prevention, and, one day, a cure. Dr. Danny Benmoshe and our team at Los Angeles Neurology are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest in neurological research and treatments — including that of Alzheimer’s Disease. At Los Angeles Neurology, our infusion clinic offers the latest treatments to halt the disease’s progression. 

At Los Angeles Neurology, we believe in treating each patient with highly personalized treatment plans that focus on preserving the quality of life for those in the early stages of this disease. 

Ready to start treatments with the best Alzheimer’s expert in Los Angeles?

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Los Angeles Neurology

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Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 688-8800
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Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
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